Moni Bordt:
Immer das Schloß "im Blick"
Moni Bordt:
Eine Schönheit!
Moni Bordt:
Das Schloss "immer im Blick"
Moni Bordt:
"Schau mir in die Augen, Kleines"
It's all about the light...:
Stieglitze beim päppeln / Goldfinches fostering
It's all about the light...:
Tagpfauenauge / Peacock Butterfly
It's all about the light...:
Eisvogel ♂ / Kingfisher ♂
It's all about the light...:
Guck mal, ohne Arme! / Look Ma, no hands!
Chris Firth of Wakey.:
The view from "The View".
A magical moment with this dreamy-looking gannet
It's all about the light...:
Junger Seehund / young Harbour Seal
Martin Fischhaber:
Über der Isar
Chris Firth of Wakey.:
Surveying from its pedestal.
Thomas SAP:
Jörg Belling:
Not everything tastes good to me…
Jörg Belling:
Waldbrettspiel (Pararge aegeria)
Chris Firth of Wakey.:
Bempton Gannets.
Martin Fischhaber:
Regensburger Wahrzeichen
Moni Bordt:
Chris Firth of Wakey.:
Spot the hikers.
Thomas SAP:
Brandseeschwalbe Altvogel im Winterkleid
Chris Firth of Wakey.:
An Eider Duck in a reflective mood.