Jörg Belling: (Explore) Sumpfhornklee-Widderchen (Zygaena trifolii)
Jörg Belling: See you in 2025
Jörg Belling: Dinner for two?
Jörg Belling: Flying in a row...
Jörg Belling: Blässgans / White-fronted Goose / Oie rieuse
Jörg Belling: Red Dot
Jörg Belling: Silberreiher / Great egret / Grande Aigrette
Jörg Belling: Landkärtchen / Map Butterfly
Jörg Belling: Gemeine Weidenjungfer (chalcolestes viridis)
Jörg Belling: Turmfalke / Kestrel / Faucon crécerelle
Jörg Belling: (Explore) I'm going my way...
Jörg Belling: What is he doing there?
Jörg Belling: Don't worry little one, he's just taking photos...
Jörg Belling: Lachmöve / Black-headed gull / Mouette rieuse
Jörg Belling: Teichhuhn / Moorhen / Poule d'eau
Jörg Belling: Autumnal flight...
Jörg Belling: Fire and ice...
Jörg Belling: Waiting for the right time…
Jörg Belling: Braune Tageule (Euclidia glyphica)
Jörg Belling: I love this all you can eat...
Jörg Belling: Safety first! (please read the story)
Jörg Belling: Haubentaucher / Great Crested Grebe / Grèbe huppé
Jörg Belling: I think I can trust you...
Jörg Belling: Kleiner Eisvogel (Limenitis camilla)
Jörg Belling: (Explore) What's going on up there?
Jörg Belling: I want the bee!
Jörg Belling: Vierfleck / Four-spotted chaser / Libellule à quatre taches
Jörg Belling: It all started with a robin...
Jörg Belling: Keep sleeping, I have everything under control…
Jörg Belling: Floating on the waves of life...