It's all about the light...: Steinschmätzer im Sandsturm / Northern Wheatear in a sandstorm
It's all about the light...: Kegelrobbenpärchen / Grey Seal couple
It's all about the light...: Stieglitz / European Goldfinch
It's all about the light...: junger Alpenstrandläufer / young Dunlin / in explore 20241023
It's all about the light...: Nilganspärchen / Egyptian Geese couple
It's all about the light...: Wiesenpieper / Meadow Pipit
It's all about the light...: Kegelrobbe / Grey Seal
It's all about the light...: Junger Basstölpel / Young Northern Gannet
It's all about the light...: Taubenschwänzchen / Hawk Moth
It's all about the light...: Steinschmätzer / Northern Wheatear / in explore 20241007
It's all about the light...: Silbermöwe / Hering Gull
It's all about the light...: Goldregenpfeifer / Golden Plover
It's all about the light...: Junger Seehund / young Harbour Seal
It's all about the light...: Guck mal, ohne Arme! / Look Ma, no hands!
It's all about the light...: Supermond mit partieller Mondfinsternis / Super moon with partial moon eclipse / in explore 20240921
It's all about the light...: Eisvogel ♂ / Kingfisher ♂
It's all about the light...: Schlafende junge Blaumeise / Sleeping young Blue Tit
It's all about the light...: Tagpfauenauge / Peacock Butterfly
It's all about the light...: Nilgans / Egyptian Goose / in explore 20240905
It's all about the light...: Stieglitze beim päppeln / Goldfinches fostering
It's all about the light...: Stieglitze / Goldfinches
It's all about the light...: Stieglitz beim Nestbau II / Goldfinch at nest building II
It's all about the light...: Stieglitz beim Nestbau I / Goldfinch at nest building I
It's all about the light...: Stieglitz (♂) / Goldfinch (♂) / in explore 20240820
It's all about the light...: Kormoran im Flug II / Cormorant in flight II
It's all about the light...: Teichfrosch / Edible Frog
It's all about the light...: Rehbock / Roebuck / in explore 20240804
It's all about the light...: Taubenschwänzchen / Hummingbird Hawk-Moth
It's all about the light...: Junger Teichrohrsänger / young Reed Warbler