Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC6048 _ Elegant Tern with fish !
la.truf: 20240825_Agrion_002
MarjieM777: Black swallowtail
MarjieM777: Artistic butterfly
cjk49: Coal Tit
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography: Elephant Calf with Mother
Rourkeor: Stonechat on thorny perch
lil.ly: chi bussa?
Pantchoa: Stockhlom / Bergianska trädgården
fotomie2009 #NoWar: soavità autunnale
jet915: AdragaPF03S
AllHarts: Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
AllHarts: Red-shouldered Hawk
Mobile Lynn: Double-Crested Cormorant 502_5335.jpg
jean-mie: Petite Porte
AllHarts: Monarch, female (Danaus plexippus)
Anne☆STA: Bläuling Schmetterling
Linda Martin Photography: Red Winged Blackbird
ksblack99: Mountain Vista at the End of the Day
Manuel A. M. - May be off...: Abubilla - Upupa epops
Rayladur: Passerin Indigo - Indigo Bunting
wildlife dave: looking out for a possible meal
Paul McGoveran: Greater Yellowlegs 2513
George Ino: Summer 2024 0875
jchau1731, thanks for 12 million views: Pink petals, endless charm
Gorgeousgrandma: Hey Buddy...Move Aside...My Table...My Water
Mobile Lynn: Painted Bunting 502_4846.jpg