Jaan Keinaste: Sõnajalad sügisel
phbyo: in a cloud of goldenrod
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Pied Wheatear - Oenanthe pleschanka
Ted Holm Photography: Standing in the waves, watching the sun melt into the horizon, a fleeting moment of magic that graces the world just once a day
Bob Gunderson: Hooded Mergansers
Hammerchewer: Curlew
flaviobergo: IMG_6152 Scolitantides orion
Jean mi...: colibri étincellant
SDRPhoto321: Not Yours
Michal Jeska: Le Jardin des Fées - Fairy Garden
Daniel.Pettersson: Aegithalos caudatus | Long-tailed Tit | stjärtmes
www.studebakerstudio.com: Dusky-faced Tanager - Costa Rica
www.studebakerstudio.com: Scarlet-rumped Tanager - Costa Rica
Barrie Brown CPAGB: Amur Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica)
Barrie Brown CPAGB: Barn Owl, quartering
Barrie Brown CPAGB: Water Vole (Arivicola amphibius) Portrait
Ng Aomoa: Loxura atymnus, the yamfly
Ted Smith 574: Yes I see them too, aliens!
Jabi Artaraz: San Donato
cliveswildshots: Common Kingfisher,UK.
Larry Herscovitch: Autumn Bluffs
echumachenco: View to the Watzmann at sunset
echumachenco: November gold
Kim Meisinger1: Southern-yellow White Eye
Paul McGoveran: Bufflehead(F) 8418
Kim Meisinger1: Southern Red Bishop
Kim Meisinger1: Little Bittern
Kim Meisinger1: Southern Red Bishop
chavko: Great Bustard