(bbarsalo): Matin d'hiver en Montérégie
(bbarsalo): Soleil levant à l'île (2) / Sunrise (2)
(bbarsalo): Vallée des vents au lever du soleil / Sunrise over the Valley of the Winds
(bbarsalo): Lever de soleil à l'île / Sunrise
(bbarsalo): Crécerelle d'Amérique - Falco sparverius - American Kestrel
(bbarsalo): Mouette tridactyle - Rissa tridactyla - Black-legged Kittiwake
(bbarsalo): Noddi brun - Anous stolidus - Brown Noddy
(bbarsalo): Noddi brun - Anous stolidus - Brown Noddy
(bbarsalo): Noddi brun - Anous stolidus - Brown Noddy
(bbarsalo): Paysage du sentier / Path Landscape
(bbarsalo): Lever de soleil à l'île (2) / Sunrise Golden Hour
(bbarsalo): Spatule royale - Platalea regia - Royal Spoonbill
(bbarsalo): Spatule royale - Platalea regia - Royal Spoonbill
(bbarsalo): Sterne huppée - Thalasseus bergii - Greater Crested Tern
(bbarsalo): Sternes regroupées
(bbarsalo): Bec-croisé bifascié - Loxia leucoptera - Two-barred Crossbill
(bbarsalo): Fuligule à collier - Aythya collaris - Ring-necked Duck
(bbarsalo): Paruline jaune - Setophaga aestiva - American Yellow Warbler
(bbarsalo): Paruline flamboyante - Setophaga ruticilla - American Redstart
(bbarsalo): Grand Harle - Mergus merganser - Common Merganser
(bbarsalo): Grand Harle - Mergus merganser - Common Merganser
(bbarsalo): Grand Harle - Mergus merganser - Common Merganser
(bbarsalo): Bruant hudsonien - Spizelloides arborea - American Tree Sparrow
(bbarsalo): Bruant des prés - Passerculus sandwichensis - Savannah Sparrow
(bbarsalo): Canard à crinière - Chenonetta jubata - Maned Duck
(bbarsalo): Canard chipeau - Mareca strepera - Gadwall
(bbarsalo): Sarcelle d'hiver - Anas crecca - Eurasian Teal
(bbarsalo): OEdicnème bridé - Burhinus grallarius - Bush Stone-curlew
(bbarsalo): Île Gros Pot au coucher de soleil / Blue Hour
(bbarsalo): Grand Pic - Dryocopus pileatus - Pileated Woodpecker