Geoff Newhouse Photography: January 25, 2025.jpg
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Shortie- Jan 25-2025 #6
timvermicon: Incoming Blue Bird
lukaszW75: 390A0804
Ankit Gita: _DSC3083L
Rafal Szozda: Krzykacz ... Myszołów, Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) ...
Laval Roy: 1.07442 Loddigésie admirable (mâle immature) / Loddigesia mirabilis / Marvelous Spatuletail / Colibrí Cola de Espátula
leoncio.hernandezrodriguez: Correlimos zarapitín (Calidris ferruginea)
patricia.hoedts: Territ de tres dits - Correlimos tridactilo - Sanderling - Bécasseau sanderling - Calidris alba
Dell Wu: DSC00057
jasonmoore151: Great Egret
lime1957: Andean Emerald
scott5024: Female Goldeneye
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: Faster than a speeding bullet! A kingfisher in mid-flight, wings partially folded.
anacm.silva: Mulga parrot - female & male
leendert3: Lilac-breasted Roller
pradeepkumar.devadoss: Steppe Eagle
pradeepkumar.devadoss: Red-vented Bulbul [Leucistic Morph]
pradeepkumar.devadoss: Spotted Owlet
Bernard Collery: Vautours fauve. Griffon Vultures.
lachance.germain: Grand-duc d'Amérique / Great Horned Owl
Fabien Baziz: Grand Cormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Shortie- Jan 25-2025 #2
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Shortie- Jan 25-2025 #3
Francesc F P: Arpella_Arpella comuna_Arpella vulgar
Robert Fredagsvik - Norway: Moskus - Muskox - Explored
sylviafurrer: In the Silence of the Alps...
sylviafurrer: Frozen Waves
sylviafurrer: White Splendour