柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: City Sky 2021.11.07
柄松 稔 Minoru Karamatsu: Cityscape 2024.11.07
ingemar_akerlind: Cylinders and blocks
tomilich01: Statue
pastadimama: Cows die too
minusca: The last day on Earth
Josef...: ~Looking At You~
Amazing iPhoneography: 311-366 11624 Hipstamatic Cape Town L-Bo-Kaap F-12 Apostles
LH_LEV: dark duo
Älan Ong: Heroes Square
Jörg Schäfer: Man and Architecture
erato_tsouvala: All that glitter
Macs Pics: A gesture from the fallen
FRANcisco (PortoPortugal): autumnal mosaic ....(6672)
ingemar_akerlind: Reflections and distortions
jado photography: Down the line
smithjuha440: Street Art 27
Josef...: ~empty~
CTDin2018: Sunrise
Fränk61: Tree in the mist
luc.mary-rabine: Le café
Rob Wandelee: Amsterdam Zuid [Gustav Mahlerlaan - Zuid As]
smithjuha440: Street Art 25
smithjuha440: Street Art 24
minusca: Rainy day
Amazing iPhoneography: 309-366 11424 Hipstamatic Agra L-Mumtaz F-Four Minarets
CTDin2018: The Hoan Bridge