gseloff: Red Arrow (Northern Cardinal)
Chuck Hantis: Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk
ricardo00: the last thing a prey sees
Captain Nikon: No Ordinary Morning
britonparker: King Rail
reurinkjan: Gang Rinpoche the Precious Snow Mountain, Tibet 2024
NicoleW0000: Snowy Owl
adrianbott: Long-tailed tit
leonburda: Brown Inca.jpg
Tifaeris: Vautour fauve (Gyps fulvus)
gseloff: Red Hot And Cold (Northern Cardinal)
andy_harris62: Under the garden shed
SkyeWeasel: The Old Manse
SkyeWeasel: The Touch of Frost
michael-otto-foto: lots of water drops
Bob Gunderson: House Wren
philnewton928: Down in the Grass.
images@twiston: And there was light
Francesc F P: Mallerenga de bigotis_Mallerenga de canyar
leonburda: Green-crowned woodnymph.jpg
flintframer: Wind-whipped Red-shouldered hawk.
__ PeterCH51 __: Symmetry
USFWS Pacific: Chinook salmon
Ted Holm Photography: An egret, graceful and deliberate, scans the waters before him, each ripple a world of possibilities
Bob Gunderson: Golden-crowned Kinglet
yabberdab: Changing Dune
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Grue du Canada - Sandhill crane
ÇhяḯṧtÖρнε: Grue cendrée - Grus grus (Aragon, Espagne) 28 décembre 2024
Jonathan Fletcher Photography: Birds around Fradley.