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albums of t13hman
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Josephus W. Shank
Barbara Amstutz Hodel
John Thut
Erma Birky
Congo photos in the Mennonite Church USA Archive
Glenn and Lorraine Reinford
1953 European Student Tour, Marian Hostetler
Congo Inland Mission
Florence Nafziger
Eunice Paul
Rafael and Christine Falcón
Rose Fuentes
Richard and Ruth Umble
Stan and Susan Godshall
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Japan)
Wesley Whiteside
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Ghana)
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Brazil)
Mennonite Church USA Archive (India)
Richard Rush
John Zimmerly
Eli and Mary Sue Miller
Rollin Welty
Ivan Snyder
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Argentina)
Marian Hostetler (Algeria : 1960-70)
Frank and Joyce Oyer photo (Puerto Rico : 1955-58)
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Nigeria : 1957-74)
Allen Zehr (Puerto Rico : 1950s)
Linford Bontrager (Kenya : 1998-2004)
Mennonite Church USA Archive, Puerto Rico
Lois Marks (Ethiopia)
Perry J. and Lucile Miller (Kenya : 1966-67, 1971-74)
Ron and Sally Milne (Kenya)
Jason S. Martin (Puerto Rico)
Vernon and Irena Sprunger (Congo)
John Blosser (Zambia : 1972-74)
Marvin Smoker (Puerto Rico)
Dan and Carrie Diener (Nigeria)
George and Karen Thompson (Sudan)
Floyd Zehr (Puerto Rico)
Harold Zehr (Puerto Rico : 1952-65)
Clarence Baer (Puerto Rico)
Henry Schmucker (Mexico, Puerto Rico)
Horace Martin (Puerto Rico)
Art and Martini Janz (Congo)
Elmer P. Weaver (Puerto Rico)
Amos E. Kreider (Puerto Rico : ca. 1948)
John Kidwell (Puerto Rico)
Michelle Irizarry
Dwight Weldy
Dr Merle and Dorothy Schwartz (Congo)
Paul Brenneman (Puerto Rico)
Nathan Hege (Ethiopia)
John Byler (Congo, Haiti)
Arthur and Gladys Jacobson
Bea Landis Ruth (Puerto Rico)
Dr. H. Clair Amstutz (Puerto Rico : 1944-47)
Jim Bertsche (Congo : ca. 1950-70)
Luke and Verna Birky (Puerto Rico : 1947-53)
Luke Birky (B&W) (Puerto Rico : 1947-53)
Elton Bomberger (Ethiopia : ca. 1950)
John and Leona Brandeberry (Puerto Rico : 1948-51)
Paul Brenneman, B&W (Puerto Rico)
Homer Burke (Puerto Rico)
Dick Burkholder (Puerto Rico)
Lowell and Lydia Cender (Puerto Rico)
Joanne Church (Puerto Rico : 1955-58)
Marcus A. Clemens (Cuba photos)
Ron Collins (Puerto Rico)
Bill Coston (Puerto Rico : ca. 1942-46)
Carl Crandall (Puerto Rico)
Amos Delagrange (Puerto Rico : 1957-59)
John and Bonny Driver (Puerto Rico : 1945-48; 1950s)
Robert Ebey, 1948-early 1950
Robert Ehret
Carl Epp, 1943-46
Rohrer Eshleman
Caleb Frantz, 1943-50
David C. Furman
David Furman (Mexico)
Dr. Lavern Gerig
Clayton Gingerich, 1946-48
Paul Gingrich Ethiopia photos, 1953-1969
Maynard Good, 1949-50
Willard and Evelyn Good, 1947-50
John Grasse
Lawrence Greaser, 1946-47
David and Mary Groh, Sept.1956-Nov.1958
Dwight and Imy Hanawalt
Ellwyn Hartzler, 1946-47
Don Heiser
Roy and Glennys Henry
Tillman Hershberger
Dean Hochstetler, 1950-52
Vern Hoffman and Elsie Hoffman Barrett
Justus Holsinger, 1943-46; 1948-52
Maurice Hooley, 1951-1953
R.J. Hower
Rod Huebert
Dean and Janet Kagarise, 1953-55
Allen Kanagy, 1955-56
Martha Kanagy, 1954-60s
Dale Kaser
Dr. Ben Kenagy
Paul G. Landis
Paul Landis (Honduras)
Melvin Lauver, 1946-48
Paul Lauver, 1945-57
Orpha Leatherman, 1947-50
Orpha Leatherman (Cuba photos)
Orpha Leatherman (Mexico photos)
Paul Leatherman, 1945-48
Carl Lehman, 1943-45
Elmer Lehman
John Lehman, 1952-56; 1959-61
Rudy Martens
Allen Martin
Jim Miller
John Murray, ca. 1955
Wilbur Nachtigall, 1943-45; 1949-55
Eldo Neufeld, 1946-48
Addona Nissley, 1948-50
Chester Peckover
Dr. Delbert Preheim, 1943-1946
Esther Lehrman Rinner, 1947-49
James Rinner, 1945-46
Dale Roesch, 1947-49
Patricia Santiago
Erwin Schrag, Jul. 1943-Feb. 1946
Erwin Schrag (Mexico photos)
Janice Sensenig
Marvin Sherman
Dr. Lee Smith, 1955, 1958-59
Jim Snyder, 1950s
Jim Snyder: B&W
Don Sollenberger
Loren Stichter, 1957-58
Virgil Stoltzfus
N. Paul Stucky
Oliver Stucky, 1948-49
Bill and Thelma Swartzendruber
Dr. Fred Swartzendruber, 1948-1951
Wayne Swartzendruber, 1950-
Paul Tieszen
Jim Tomlonson
Charles W. Toth
Charles W. Toth: B&W
Leroy and Maxine Yoder
Orris Yoder, 1950-
Robert Yoder
Warren and Janet Yoder (Brazil)
Warren Yoder (Congo)
Dick Weaver
Paul Weaver, 1942-1946
Chester Wenger
Gladys Widmer
Gerald Wilson
1904 book: Our islands and their people
Angel Acevedo
Alida Cordero
I. Garcia-Dalmau postcards
Esther Graber
I. Kinsey
N. Taulet
Ethiopia, 1946-1950
Ethiopia: 1953-1969
Kenya and Tanganyika trip, 1949
Palestine, 1950
Trip home from Ethiopia
1950s Puerto Rico: Agriculture
1950s Puerto Rico: Countryside
1950s Puerto Rico: Highlights
1950s Puerto Rico: Hospital and mission workers
1950s Puerto Rico: La Plata Hospital
1950s Puerto Rico: People
1950s Puerto Rico: Public buildings
1950s Puerto Rico: Transportation
Private photos in comments