t13hman: Coffee mill
t13hman: Drying coffee
t13hman: Main road near Adjuntas
t13hman: Oxen pulling cars of cane near Vega Baja
t13hman: Well to do house
t13hman: The old and new water pumps at salt works
t13hman: Children playing in streets of Ponce
t13hman: Catholic church in Ponce
t13hman: Rock supply for road to school
t13hman: Hog, thatch buildings on dock
t13hman: Breadfruit tree
t13hman: Adjuntas hospital
t13hman: Bakery near Bald Hill
t13hman: The fishing fleet
t13hman: Kennedy home
t13hman: Blue Beard's Castle
t13hman: Carlos Claudio spinning top on string
t13hman: San Juan dump
t13hman: Fresas
t13hman: Adjuntas civil cemetery
t13hman: Womens industry
t13hman: Cane cutting and hauling
t13hman: Cane field and water aqueduct
t13hman: The school house
t13hman: Lilies
t13hman: Adjuntas from Tanama road
t13hman: Statue of Juan Morel Campos
t13hman: PRRA project sign
t13hman: Well to do house
t13hman: Adjuntas fire - post office and shoe shop