t13hman: Boy waiting for bus
t13hman: Vendor walking down street with crabs hanging from pole
t13hman: Bags of charcoal stacked by road, ready for market
t13hman: Getting ready to make charcoal
t13hman: Washer women doing laundry at the Comerio bridge
t13hman: Jorge's store, La Plata corner market
t13hman: Day laborer with wicker basket on head
t13hman: Horse hauling bananas
t13hman: Boys chasing sugarcane truck
t13hman: Boy delivering milk on donkey
t13hman: Children selling fresas in Aibonito
t13hman: Girl getting water to take home
t13hman: First P.R. baby born in the La Plata hospital goes home, mother in ambulance
t13hman: Clinic day, crowd clustered around entry to hospital
t13hman: PRRA chief
t13hman: Coastal sugar mill
t13hman: Railcar loads of cane at sugar mill
t13hman: Trucks loaded with sugarcane, oxcart empty
t13hman: Transporting sugarcane tops by ox-cart
t13hman: Derrick loading cane on truck
t13hman: Men loading sugarcane onto ox cart in field
t13hman: Ox teams in field, carts being loaded with sugarcane
t13hman: Ox-powered sugarcane grinder, Toita
t13hman: Country road, lined with flamboyan
t13hman: Man crossing the La Plata river on horseback
t13hman: Rain on Pina
t13hman: Falls between La Plata and Comerio
t13hman: Brahma cattle, south coast
t13hman: Herd grazing, man on horseback
t13hman: Four men at work opening piles of coconuts