t13hman: Loaded horses, man going up cobblestone street
t13hman: Nurse aides airing mattress at Cuauhtemoc regional hospital
t13hman: Regional hospital Cuauhtemoc, Mexico
t13hman: Three donkeys in light snow, Cuauhtemoc, Mexico
t13hman: Carved pillar in courtyard
t13hman: Doctor looking at bandaged hand of man in bullfighter suit
t13hman: Hotel Borda, Taxco, Mexico
t13hman: Man with hat sitting by opening in wall
t13hman: Youth person at entry of hospital
t13hman: Burros on a street of Taxco, Mexico
t13hman: Man walking by ruins of brick building
t13hman: Two small boys in straw hats walking down road
t13hman: Looking toward town, Cuauhtemoc, Mexico from hospital
t13hman: View of Taxco, cathedral
t13hman: Street scene in Taxco
t13hman: Hotel Borda in Taxco
t13hman: Bridal couple
t13hman: Crowd at Juarez monument
t13hman: Universidad nacional de Mexico
t13hman: Market
t13hman: Two in a hurry
t13hman: Brick building with no roof, graffiti
t13hman: Curve in road, semi-arid plain, mountains in distance
t13hman: Two young boys carrying water for the hospital
t13hman: Indians in regalia, preparing for performance in plaza
t13hman: Statue in plaza
t13hman: Indians going to Patzcuaro market
t13hman: Decorated holiday boats, southern Mexico
t13hman: Wheat field
t13hman: Couple with loaded horse on cobblestone street