gailhampshire: Common Darter male
Tanager John: Calvertagrion mauffrayi. A Narrow-winged Damselfly Family Coenagrionidae
sherca: Avispa común (Vespula vulgaris)
Os Rico: Natalia
Michael-Journey: Graceful Feeding of the Nubian Ibex
Sam Droege: Augochloropsis sumptuosa, u, face, Georgia_PMax UDR 01
Polytelis: Tufted Titmouse
JKehoe_Photos: Locked
MarjieM777: Bee getting booped by a hummingbird
Gomen S: Sumatra Pit Viper - Dec 2024 - 1
Berit Christophersen: _DSC1775. Green Mamba
tjhastings_wildlife: California Newt
Philip Rathner: This loggerhead Shrike fledgling was trying to catch a Halloween pennant Dragonfly in flight!
David C Mishalof: Brown Pelican flying past the cliffs.
rvk82: Asian Openbill
JKehoe_Photos: American White Pelicans
annarouse: 086 Mesa Verde
Polytelis: Winter Wren
ricardo00: Cooper's hawk on the move
Quang An: Golden Eagle
Greg Philpott: 2024-12-8-Lake Lanier-140614 American Black Ducks
Jarek S. "Jerry": Little bittern
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_2130
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-24-3074-Odontomyia angulata
jfstoneman1: Mugger Crocodile - Chitwan National Park Nepal