Nik Teichmann: Pileated Woodpecker
Nik Teichmann: Hermit Thrush9
petermok29: DSCF5712
petermok29: DSCF5725
petermok29: DSCF6195
petermok29: DSCF6248
petermok29: DSCF6381
petermok29: DSCF6747
Constant Favier: Spotted in the wild
go.mg59: Nymphéa - Vietnam -
pstenzel71: Red Leaf
benlarhome: 2024-10-327 In the woods
andrewsloan1964: Great spotted woodpecker
uwe.falk: Steinpilz (Boletus edulis)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Lithurgus chrysurus / cornutus female (Megachilidae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Tilloidea transversalis (Cleridae - Checkered Beetles)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Larinus cynarae (Curculionidae - True Weevils)
Henrik Gyurkovics: Gonepteryx cleopatra fiorii m. 1575
suekelly52: Lobelia Love
Silky Oak: P5133736
Mimi Serada: Episyrphus balteatus
austindca: fly in the garden
Silky Oak: P5063482
tessab101: Leaf Glitter - HFDF!
Hubert Polacek: Inversion window
DaveSPN: Happy FriYay
Henk Terhell: parasolzwam - parasol mushroom
kodl68: Small friend