Sylvester K: Frontina laeta (Tachinidae)
Sylvester K: Eumenes sp potter wasps mating
Sylvester K: A tiny Figitidae wasp in early Spring
Sylvester K: A bunch of bonnets (Mycena sp)
Sylvester K: Dasypogon diadema (Asilidae)
Sylvester K: Torymidae wasp
Sylvester K: Crimson-speckled flunkey (Utethisa pulchella), Erebidae
Sylvester K: Honey fungus (Armillaria sp)
Sylvester K: Amictus sp bee fly (Bombyliidae)
Sylvester K: Brachymeria sp (Chalcididae)
Sylvester K: Pseudochrysis neglecta (Chrysididae)
Sylvester K: Scarlet caterpillar club fungus (Cordyceps militaris)
Sylvester K: Spiny jewel wasp
Sylvester K: Robber fly (Asilidae)
Sylvester K: Red-bellied jumping spider (Philaeus chrysops), male
Sylvester K: Oxyopes sp lynx spider on a daisy
Sylvester K: Agenioideus sericeus wasp (Pompilidae) with captured spider
Sylvester K: Stalking
Sylvester K: Orb weaver
Sylvester K: In the orb
Sylvester K: Evarcha arcuata (Salticidae)
Sylvester K: Living dangerously
Sylvester K: Interconnection
Sylvester K: Agenioideus cinctellus (Pompilidae) with captured Heliophanus sp (Salticidae)
Sylvester K: Attulus sp jumping spider (Salticidae)
Sylvester K: Crab spider (Thomisidae)
Sylvester K: Pretty on pink
Sylvester K: Red-bellied jumping spider (Philaeus chrysops), Salticidae
Sylvester K: Triangle crab spider (Thomisus onustus), Thomisidae
Sylvester K: Half-edged wall jumping spider (Menemerus semilimbatus)