Simon in the Alpujarras: Celastrina argiolus (Holly Blue)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Colotis evagore male (Desert Orange Tip)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Polyommatus celina (Southern Blue)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Anthidium florentinum female (Megachilidae - Mason Bee)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Lygus adspersus / gemellatus (Miridae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Cryptocephalus pygmaeus (Chrysomelidae - Leaf Beetles)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Chrysis sp. (Chrysididae - Jewel Wasps)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Chrysis sp. (Chrysididae - Jewel Wasps)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Xylocopa sp. female (Violet Carpenter Bee) (Apidae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Acrocera orbiculus (Acroceridae - Small-headed Flies)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Acrocera orbiculus (Acroceridae - Small-headed Flies)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Minettia inusta (Lauxaniidae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Rhytidodus decimusquartus (Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Rhytidodus decimusquartus (Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Rhyzobius chrysomeloides (Coccinellidae - Ladybirds)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Agnocoris reclairei (Miridae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Tuponia brevirostris (Miridae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Tuponia brevirostris (Miridae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Crocothemis erythraea male (Broad Scarlet)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Orthetrum coerulescens male (Keeled Skimmer)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Eulachnus sp. (Aphididae - Aphids)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Myrrha octodecimguttata (Coccinellidae - Ladybirds)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Myrrha octodecimguttata (Coccinellidae - Ladybirds)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Anthaxia umbellatarum (Buprestidae - Jewel Beetles)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Sympherobius sp. ? (Hemerobiidae - Brown Lacewings)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Stemmatophora borgialis (Pyralidae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Aporodes floralis (Crambidae - Grass Moths)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Stagonomus bipunctatus nymph (Pentatomidae - Shieldbugs)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Holcogaster fibulata nymph (Pentatomidae - Shieldbugs)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Aphrophora alni (Alder Spittlebug) (Aphrophoridae - Spittlebugs)