Simon in the Alpujarras:
Chalybion flebile (Sphecidae - Thread-waisted Wasps)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Chalybion flebile (Sphecidae - Thread-waisted Wasps)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Liocoris tripustulatus (Common Nettle Bug) (Miridae)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Neuroleon arenarius (Myrmeleonidae - Antlions)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Neuroleon arenarius (Myrmeleonidae - Antlions)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Pseudomallada venosus (Chrysopidae - Green Lacewings)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Ballus rufipes (Salticidae - Jumping Spiders)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Salticidae (Jumping Spiders)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Tychius grenieri ? (Curculionidae - True Weevils)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Tychius grenieri ? (Curculionidae - True Weevils)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Sphaeroderma rubidum (Chrysomelidae - Leaf Beetles)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Pilophorus sp. (Miridae)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Deraeocoris lutescens (Miridae)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Arboridia sp. (Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Orsillus depressus (Lygaeidae - Ground Bugs)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Orsillus depressus (Lygaeidae - Ground Bugs)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Gonocerus juniperi (Coreidae)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Orthetrum coerulescens male (Keeled Skimmer)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Orthetrum coerulescens male (Keeled Skimmer)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Idaea sp. (Geometridae)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Heriades sp. (Megachilidae)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Megachile sp. male (Megachilidae)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Cerceris sp. (Crabronidae)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Rhynchium oculatum (Eumeninae - Potter Wasps)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Rhynchium oculatum (Eumeninae - Potter Wasps)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Sphecodes olivieri male (Halictidae - Sweat Bees)
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Spialia sertorius / rosae
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Spialia sertorius / rosae
Simon in the Alpujarras:
Uresiphita gilvata (Crambidae - Grass Moths)