NaturewithMar: Macro Mondays "Spiral"
NaturewithMar: "Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience" Ralph Waldo Emerson
NaturewithMar: Cardinal
NaturewithMar: Dahlia!
FocusPocus Photography: Sisters at heart
Irtiza Bukhari: A full show ( Little grebe )
Jim Frazee: Harris's Hawks (Parabuteo unicinctus) during Raptor Free Flight at Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
rchalmel: Passiflore
rhyspope: The Moon and the Harbour
Wild Pixel Safaris: The Golden Queen!
radonracer: Schöne Aussicht
Maria Kanova: London by Night
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: Don't judge others simply because....
normanwest4tography: Red Kite - Milvus milvus
Ann and Chris: Buzzard - On patrol
joy.jordan: underneath
Marc ALMECIJA: Je veille !
mrgraphic2: Harley engine
jeffpatrick501: JNP00231
Prajzner: Coenagrion puella
BSOutdoorImages: 'Semper Vulture'
OrionSM Photography: Bear in Portrait
Julien Ruiz: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher
Kingy2013: Gannet 3
lorenzomazzetti: Blue tit
There and back again: White Crocus
flatfoot471: Robin, Mugdock
fs999: Red Beauty
R R G 2: Loons
R R G 2: 2 jack lake