Lesley~B: chubby cheeks
Junei Abe: 土手のサクラ・太平川土手
Junei Abe: 土手のサクラ・太平川土手
Vickie Lacharité: La maison symphonique de Montréal
みちお michio: each person has a unique life #1
guerrerogjess: Great Horn Owl
"santiago" Absent.................: Sydney Harbour Bridge
carrolldeweese: 5C2B2931_DxO
Park Lu: hope
Luke Agbaimoni (last rounds): Caught Between Trains Again - Liverpool St
dawnranger60: The Insecure Tree
donovan_terry: "Hello, Mr. Terry"
donovan_terry: "Follow me to my spot"
mstraus52: Mealt Falls
Outback Hillbilly: Owning the wave
flo73400: Vue sur la Vallée de la Mort
pennny41: Osprey
pom'.: Brest, Finistère, France
Frank van Dongen: It's still a long way there
Fnikos: Now in couple - En pareja
Tom E.S.: verschneiter Sonnenaufgang über der Altstadt von Lübeck
Jos Mecklenfeld: sky today 28 April 2024
davdenic: encounter
miketonge: Crack of life!
Chrissie2003: Rose Magic
Tobias Dander: Hong Kong - Victoria Harbour
visol: Pyrgos (Santorini)
Gur Natty: _NAT2556