Matt Wyatt: Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera picta)
andyrousephotography: Waters Edge Lake (Explore 21/09/23 #50)
Michel Idre - 10 millions de vues merci: Martin pêcheur d'Europe
Anthony White: The Drinking Dragon
images@twiston: Moody Skye
Ken Krach Photography: Ricketts Glen State Park
pictaker64: Short eared Owl
KHR Images: Barn Owl
Todd Aki: wavy split
Todd Aki: lined up
Ken Krach Photography: Kayaking in the Clouds
Stefano B.54: Martin pescatore - Alcedo atthis "J' ARRIVE"
Stefano B.54: Nibbio bianco - Elanus caeruleus
Stef54B: Gufo comune - Asio otus
Stef54B: Martini - Alcedo atthis - "The Duel"
Amit Rai Chowdhury: Green Vine Snake
Linda Martin Photography: Red Eyed Tree Frog
Linda Martin Photography: I See No Ships!
Todd Aki: got it
DanSar49: Great Egret in breeding plumage at sunset
Ian Locock Photography: Pallas' Long-tongued Bat
m&em2009: Katydid
m&em2009: Megachile native bee flying
Cindy Croissant: American White Pelican
Cindy Croissant: The Conversation
bobchappell55: K32P2187c Robin, Barnwell CP, March 2020