Cindy Croissant: Male Vermilion Flycatcher
Cindy Croissant: Black-throated sparrow
Cindy Croissant: Male Phainopepla
Cindy Croissant: Female Anna's Hummingbird
Cindy Croissant: Drake Mallard
Cindy Croissant: Flame Skimmer dragonfly
Cindy Croissant: Male Hooded Oriole
Cindy Croissant: Red-Tailed Hawk
Cindy Croissant: Mother wood duck and her ducklings
Cindy Croissant: Peregrine falcon off to find the next meal for her eyasses
Cindy Croissant: Three little goslings enjoying the day after a bit of rain
Cindy Croissant: Juvenile Barred Owl
Cindy Croissant: Early morning serenity
Cindy Croissant: Wood Stork
Cindy Croissant: Alligator hatchlings
Cindy Croissant: Crested Caracara
Cindy Croissant: Rejected!
Cindy Croissant: White Pelican with lunch
Cindy Croissant: Double-crested cormorant with lunch
Cindy Croissant: American white ibis
Cindy Croissant: Little Blue Heron (juvenile)
Cindy Croissant: Limpkin hunting for apple snails
Cindy Croissant: Little blue heron (juvenile)
Cindy Croissant: Anhinga (snake bird)
Cindy Croissant: Great blue heron
Cindy Croissant: Cedar Waxwing
Cindy Croissant: American Robin
Cindy Croissant: Bushtit near Peñasquitos Creek
Cindy Croissant: Great blue heron with a walking catfish