montse rocas: Groc i blau. Kattavia, Rodes, Grècia.
baxsyl: |=|
baxsyl: DD
Vera Mathieu: Doors of reflection
Jim_ATL: tectonic shift
Vera Mathieu: In the winter the golden once shine silver
Clém VDB: N°411
Salai i: Emergency
Simon Caplan: Under the Sea
markwilkins64: Pothole.....❤️
pmhoste: Hellemans
pat-s: Curves and angles
pat-s: End of an era
Ruthinit: (Im)Permanence
Ruthinit: Pieces of a life
Ruthinit: Fiction
Dark-Dave: Fungi IMG_8916
Nils Steiner: Fog in the woods
Aviller71: Bonn / Kunstmuseum
Aviller71: Bonn / Kunstmuseum
RadarO´Reilly: If the Tree Burns
michaelalvis: saitama-shi, japan
PixeLuz: quadrige en position de repli
nomm de photo: Diminishing Resource
paaddor: Big Wave in Sri Lanka
caltechscooby: Urban geometry