Rainer Hamburg: Black dots
PTR: Down.
tantonr: A Good Book for the Train
derpunk: Aeronaut
Mathilda LeLapin: busy business
o.diaries: ཀརྨ་པ་མཁྱེན་ནོ། On the road, Kham, Tibet
Teresa's Place/: Where Does Beauty Lie?
mittagskind: Insel der Jugend
PTR: Beach life
Günter Hentschel: Visit to the State Capital Düsseldorf
p.spaggiari: greek undulations
Bernard Spragg: Storm clouds over Sydney.
p.spaggiari: art gallery
Peter Schüler: User:in/nen
mittagskind: Gottesanbeterin
ATOMIC Hot Links: Ai-Art / where the absurd meets tradition
steinliland: Nordlys over Himmeltindene kopi
Peter Schüler: Sauerland
daniel virella: waves of stone