Catimini79: Magic Hat with the Trioplan 100mm f2.8 lens
Jabi Artaraz: Cofete (Fuerteventura)
michelarnoux1: Dans mon village.
Stefano Rugolo: Aurora Borealis
Ted Holm Photography: The sunset bathes the beach in golden hues as waves crash rhythmically against the rocks, whispering secrets of the sea
Aimee ️: HFF💛
francois reitz: grèbe huppé et éclaboussures
K&E-mount: Monochrome
henryhensel: DSC02363
#christopher#: dolpins
davdenic: Ent in the fog
davdenic: Ent in the fog
salvatoreuviola: Once upon a long ago
PAOVisual: Ribble Valley sunset
PAOVisual: Ribble Valley sunset
PAOVisual: Ribble Valley sunset
Laval Roy: Symphlebia fulminans
echumachenco: Winter scene, with fog
DRCPhoto: Snowy Inlet
McGaggs: Wild Atlantic Way
still~positive: The knowing of a path
concrete&fells: Madrid
Ibolya Mester: Today Beauty ♡ without editing / Mai Szépség ♡ szerk nélkül
Henna K.: Neidonkenkä, fairy slipper (Calypso bulbosa)
rivai56: Paysage en hiver - Saint-Michel-de-Wentworth - PQ - Canada - 06949
mswan777: Details of snow on a tree