still~positive: Of a life lived in anger
still~positive: A short window of opportunity
still~positive: Just traces
still~positive: Some little things said unspoken
still~positive: They don't hold back
still~positive: When the feather touched the water, it was enough
still~positive: Amplify fragility
still~positive: With kindness, affinity of temperature
still~positive: What everyone knows but no one understands
still~positive: The resilient flock
still~positive: In solace
still~positive: A desire travels
still~positive: A fugue, ripples in years of dreams
still~positive: And into each was placed some fire to bring them to life
still~positive: Once started it's enough to share
still~positive: We look to cross metaphors when we can't touch
still~positive: It has to start somewhere
still~positive: How long between breaths
still~positive: Taking the light one day at a time
still~positive: Path of my hand
still~positive: A series of recordings
still~positive: Where would you go if we weren't together
still~positive: Everything's here and nothing's lost
still~positive: To others it would seem obvious
still~positive: There should be more shadows
still~positive: Not being able to swim
still~positive: By omission and no one else knows
still~positive: Sacrifice science for a poetic truth
still~positive: Let me offer you something without condition