Long-tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus) @ Lake Furen, Hokkiado, Japan_20240226_DSC5750
Clearing storm in the Sierra Nevada Mountains as seen from the Alabama Hills, Inyo County, California.
The Slow Roamer:
Teysachaux N
Fox kit relaxing with no care in the world!!!
Joe Allen Photography:
Roadside Hawk
Gladys Klip:
Zwarte specht / black woodpecker / pic noir
Naturfotografie Simon Edel:
Wasseramsel / Eurasian dipper / Cinclus cinclus
Bryan Carnathan:
Join Me to Photograph the Elk Rut in Rocky Mountain National Park!
Ranveig Marie Photography:
Colours in a Grey Day
ThomasG - TG Naturfoto:
Wasseramsel / White-throated Dipper
Wei, Willa:
Caddo Lake
Steffen Walther:
Dipper dippin'
View from Ratitovec
RGL Photography:
Red-tailed Hawk | Buteo jamaicensis | 2025 - 2
Szabo Zsolt Andras:
Julien Delaval Photographie:
Burning Mountains
roberto parmiggiani:
Common pheasant - fagiano comune
River Ice
B0B B:
Hobbled out in the hope of seeing an early barn owl but was more than happy to stumble across these fine brown hares frolicking in what remains of the snow.
Long tailed tit
Buzzard Comes in to Land!