Werner Demming: A-Major_MM_String
JimDel Photographies: apparition dans la brume
Petr Horak: Šumava | autumn
ibjfoto: The Oeresund Bridge in morning light.
eric t*: Ciel en feu // Sky on fire
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *November morning on the Moselle*
nikonaute777: Les pieds dans l'eau
juan luis olaeta: EL RAJAO 17
juan luis olaeta: LAIÑOAK 2
S.R.Murphy: Dunstanburgh Castle(3)
Simon's utak: Primotar soap bubbles
p.niebergall: Bird not in flight
Rita Eberle-Wessner: The fotographer
Flickr: Weekly Snapshot with Flickr Social - 11/29/24
Johntasaurus: Slices
ChasWG: "My God, its Full of Galaxies!"
CVIja(x): YALB
ash706: leaf
Filic Marko: Brown dog
kevingrallphotography: Great Blue Heron
pepperberryfarm: frosted
Kirk Stauffer: Red Squirrel
arrtography: Aspen Wave
Fränk61: Father & son
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Blue Canyon @ only the sky is blue*
Simon's utak: Rear lights and spoiler
whidom88: Atlantic Rock's