The Owl Man: Looking Back (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: The Dark Female (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Resting in The Grass (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Picture Tells a Story (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Third Trip (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: In Evening Sunlight (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Dreaming of Northern Hawk Owls
The Owl Man: Coming Straight at Me! (Again)
The Owl Man: Last Flight of The Evening (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Better Eye Contact (Northern Harrier)
The Owl Man: Grey Ghost (Male Northern Harrier)
The Owl Man: Incoming! (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Female Short-Ear Portrait (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Merry Christmas! (Snowy Owl)
The Owl Man: Propeller Bird 2024 (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: December Bluebird (Mountain Bluebird)
The Owl Man: Snowy Owl Environmental
The Owl Man: Waspinator (Northern Shrike)
The Owl Man: Taking a Break (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Wing Dip (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Single White Male #2 (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: You Can Bank On It (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Single White Male (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Rainy Day Short-Ear (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: First Mainland Trip Since January (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Out of Season (Mountain Bluebird)
The Owl Man: Interesting Head Position #2 (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Interesting Head Position (Short-Eared Owl)
The Owl Man: Say "Hi!" On Your Way By (Northern Harrier)
The Owl Man: Watching Out For Ravens (Short-Eared Owl)