MindfulnessArt: Féerie dans les champs givrés / Magic in the frosted fields
vdrobphoto: Eastern Towhee- "Pipilo erythrophthalmus"
Paul McGoveran: Great Horned Owl 8665
miro_mtl: Barred Owl (Chouette rayée)
Laval Roy: 1.07295 Coquette de Delattre / Lophornis delattrei delattrei / Rufous-crested Coquette / Coqueta de Cresta Rufa
HenryKoh: HK222763
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Coruja do Nabal, Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Quetzal resplendissant - Resplendent quetzal
P.Bonenfant: Red fox - Renard roux
P.Bonenfant: Canada Geai - Geai du Canada
Photo-A-Peal: Yellow-Shafted Flicker
vdrobphoto: Tricolored Heron-"Egretta tricolor"
Mrxh00: Look at the Sky with Love.....
Photo-A-Peal: Breaking the Ice
Mobile Lynn: Starling - Food for the chick 904_1451.jpg
Photo-A-Peal: Kestrel on a Branch
P.Bonenfant: Pine Siskin - Tarin des Pins
andriot.jac: Duo de flamants roses à l’heure bleue. couleurs naturelles
Jean-Michel Babin: Hibou moyen duc.
Lucas de Ciria: Tacuarita azul ♀️ Masked Gnatcatcher ( Polioptila dumicola)
Paul McGoveran: Ruby-throated Hummingbird 7839
Allen Sparks: Tufted Titmouse
Ken Krach Photography: Hey! Why Not Share?
Images from the Dark Side: The Power And The Glory
marieroy0808: Hermine - Ermine - armiño - Mustela erminea
miro_mtl: Bald eagle (Pygargue à tête blanche)
Jocelyne F.: Chouette rayée
Bruno Conjeaud: The dance of love (Greater Flamingos)
P.Bonenfant: Northern hawk owl - Épervière boréale
P.Bonenfant: Evening grosbeak - Gros-bec errant