1 other people: Caswell Bay
Simon in the Alpujarras: Rhynocoris erythropus (Reduviidae - Assassin Bugs)
Poupetta: Maggie Gripenberg painted by Venny Soldan-Brofelt
Titole: Argus *-*
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-22-0379-Eristalis pertinax
francepar95: Cuirette rouge
Ma.NeverStopExploring: Wiener Schachtel
robbie466: Leather belt
flatleader: Leather Wallet - MM
Mazza@C: DSCN6198 #Leather #MacroMondays
pixelia2: Leather bracelet
dany_di: * Pink and blue *
Lake Effect: Leather
C E Andersen: Macro Mondays - Leather
Fire Fighter's Wife: ~It’s difficult out there but if we look out for each other, it might just get easier.
Tímo: Leather Headphone Wire Holder
esterc1: The great escape...
daveanderson14: Stitched and Laced
linda.addis: Leather
Silke Klimesch: Hayfever Season
marinachi: leather
sdupimages: Hell Bent For Leather
snowshoe hare*: bunny with lavender
dougieritchie: New Hartstongue leaf
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): Swallow Squabble 4_18_22
stan sutton: Field Grasshopper _MG_7654 (Explored)
Reinhold1950: Goldammer
Jane Statham: Macro Mondays - Chip.
Martin1446: Korsspindel / European Garden Spider (Araneus diadematus) female