Sultan Sultani: Brought Food for Her Love
ChrisF_2011: Baltimore Oriole
ctberney: Flower Fly strikes it rich!
Lesley~B: zebras in the glass
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: I always wanted to make a nice picture of Tibouchina lepidota (Melastomataceae family) with new flowers (darker) as well as old ones. This tree posed during a 7 days Bromeliad and botany observation tour I just guided in Valle del Cauca dept, Colombia.
davolly59: Blowing in the wind
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents....
griecocathy: DSC_1290
JL-CA: Rododendron
mclcbooks: Columbine
Floating on Air: Natural Bridges - Expressionist Post Processing Eurasian tree sparrow at Lake Meyer Park IA 116A3733 American goldfinch at Lake Meyer Park IA 116A3770
Geoff Whalan: My home garden orchid collection - white Phaelenopsis, Darwin, NT, Australia
maragiacobbi: DSC_0924naturanatura
pstenzel71: Faded Hibiscus
davolly59: Little owl with mouse
Sultan Sultani: Cedar Waxwing
Mark Carmody: Northern Shoveler/Spadalach (Anas clypeata)
ira tucker, thanks for 11 million views: It is almost nicer being a godfather than a father, like having white mice....
icemanphotos: Leisure
adrian_pupazan: WP_20180728_23_14_38_Pro
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Very attractive young fern frond, almost alien like, in situ during a 7 days Bromeliad and botany observation tour I just guided in Valle del Cauca department, Colombia.
ctberney: Spotted Cucumber Beetle isn't a popular insect in the agricultural world