ctberney: Male Red-winged Blackbird is a ladies' man
ctberney: Female Red-winged Blackbird posing in a most obliging manner
ctberney: My neighbors got a new pet
ctberney: In the forest - Explored
ctberney: One gorgeous dude
ctberney: When I saw this Song Sparrow close to me on the path, I tried to stay very still as I took photos
ctberney: Backyard Battling Birds
ctberney: White-crowned Sparrow
ctberney: Lots of great birds showing up now
ctberney: "Merlin" is a free app for your phone that helps you identify bird sounds
ctberney: My mom told me not to play with my food, but she didn't say I couldn't photograph it
ctberney: I think Chipping Sparrow agrees with my neighbor that Grackles are very annoying birds
ctberney: Double-crested Cormorant stakes out its territory at the pond
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera denouement - in which this male Purple Finch tells Junco the whole story of his lost love
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera part 12
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera part 13
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera part 14
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera part 9
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera part 10
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera part 11
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera part 6
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera part 7
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera part 8
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera part 3
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera part 4
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera part 5
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera, part 1
ctberney: Purple Finch soap opera, part 2
ctberney: How could any female purple finch resist this guy?
ctberney: Female Purple Finch with two males