ctberney: If you see these little Insidious Flower Bugs in your garden, you'll feel them, too!
ctberney: "The tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris, is a species of plant-feeding insect in the family Miridae. It has piercing-sucking mouthparts and has become a serious pest on small fruits and vegetables in North America." Wikipedia
ctberney: Just someone I used to know
ctberney: Flower Fly strikes it rich!
ctberney: Common Drone Fly performing necessary ablutions
ctberney: I'm not dead yet, elderly flower cries
ctberney: Small Milkweed Bug is omniverous
ctberney: Bee knows hard times are coming
ctberney: Tonight's weather forecast - snow squall warning
ctberney: Asian Lady Beetle facing off
ctberney: Caught in mid-flight
ctberney: A twofer is good enough for me!
ctberney: Spotted Cucumber Beetle isn't a popular insect in the agricultural world
ctberney: Can you guess what I found on the inside of the shed door?
ctberney: Stink Bug at my patio door seeking shelter
ctberney: Tachinid fly taking a break from procreating
ctberney: Oh Canada
ctberney: After my snowplow service cleaned my half of our shared driveway, the neighbor's kid shoveled their half, leaving this ridge of snow the length of the driveway between the two halves.
ctberney: Let's take a moment to see what the weather was like today in my backyard
ctberney: Advice to bee and bug on sharing the flower
ctberney: Perhaps I hurt the stink bug's feelings
ctberney: Lady Beetle wishing you all well
ctberney: Bit of a surprise in my bathroom tonight
ctberney: Pollen and nectar beckon
ctberney: Looks like Hermit Thrush wasn't expecting company
ctberney: This White-throated Sparrow has gone somewhere warm for the winter
ctberney: Fortune hunting honey bee
ctberney: Like a bug on a wire
ctberney: Tarnished Plant Bug and Rose of Sharon in autumn
ctberney: Asian Lady Beetle is an invasive species