Rich Levine: When A Rendez-Vous Is Late
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Cinematic Lens for Leica (YouTube)
grexsys: The Rocker
ludwig.roemer: Castle ruin Hohenbregenz
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Leica M10-P Conversion + LLL 50mm f1.2
Ody on the mount: Fanal nofog III...
judith.kuhn: a new day at the old castle
paoloaddesso: Summer Memories
karl11irle22: No doubt
unneva: Ice Bird
Ralph Hennrich: Mighty Man of Storr
~ Floydian ~: In front of the mighty Schreckhorn - Switzerland
Ulf Bodin: Snickargatan, Uppsala, July 13, 2024
mezy3: Ecluse de tournai " BELGIQUE"
mezy3: Cysoing ( Nord-France )
mezy3: Cysoing ( Nord-France )
alexcalver: Leaf Senescence
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Leica M10 - M10P Conversion
Fanie_villarceau: 11 novembre...
Frank van Dongen: Cats of Granny Smith
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Thypoch Simera 50mm f1.4
Ody on the mount: The Light of this Morning...
Dorothy "Dor" Walker: A meadow of mist lies just above the lake
Edd Allen: Vengeance XXIX
Ody on the mount: The cutting Light...
Nataly C: .....
ludwig.roemer: Frozen lake