BernadetteM*: Sundown in my little part of the world
HWHawerkamp: Lanzarote minimal abstract
Frans Nijland: The labyrinth
d0gwalker: Shoreditch smile
d0gwalker: exhausted
d0gwalker: raspberry and mint
d0gwalker: urban layout
jo.miseré 9.8 mln: "T Zoute in Brugge
tenzin.peljor: Sculpture »The World« DZ Bank Frankfurt
Markus Auerbach: In the museum
d0gwalker: one man, one leaf
d0gwalker: pound land
d0gwalker: bring your own cup
jo.miseré 9.8 mln: Reinbrücke und Funkturm
Paul_Nuyts: Waiting for the train
vedebe: French Pop
roberke: C.H.ELOUT
M.F.Froggatt: Rose Lane
Angeline -on-off: Fenster Streichen
Angeline -on-off: Federwisch in der Vase
Angeline -on-off: Geschwungen
d0gwalker: warehouse wedge
d0gwalker: mocha blocks
d0gwalker: into the gap
d0gwalker: bricked up
jo.miseré 9.8 mln: Dusseldorf
vedebe: Je te gratte, tu me grattes, ils se grattent... / I scratch you, you scratch me, they scratch each other...
M.F.Froggatt: Nottingham Road