montel7: parking
montel7: yellow with windows
montel7: straight lines and colors
montel7: upside down 2
montel7: upside down 1
montel7: geometry with B&W shadows
montel7: ... and a pigeon
montel7: up and down
montel7: ... and tiles !
montel7: .... and tiles ....
montel7: oranges and bricks
montel7: diagonal dialogue
montel7: tiles and ...
montel7: strange profile
montel7: blue with mini palms
montel7: heads and shoulders
montel7: ...and a small cloud over Toledo
montel7: upside down...or down upside
montel7: unusual lines
montel7: green over red and yellow
montel7: the red door
montel7: with a blue triangle
montel7: more blues
montel7: geometry blues
montel7: reflections and red
montel7: in the middle
montel7: reflection and source
montel7: wavy lines
montel7: FOReflections
montel7: strange sunset