Heffordphoto: Are You Looking at Me again?
lindaverhoog: sandhill crane
lokiblacksheep: DBH_4961
P. Stinson Photography: Drake Northern pintail
philipwhitcombe: Mallard drake drops down for the landing - Humber Bay Park East, Toronto
Fred_St: DSC04533.jpg
roly2008.: fly agaric
Faireal tales from Here: Evarcha arcuata mâle, coteaux de Montgaillard.
Brian Calder: Bee-Eater
cowyeow: Yellow-striped Trinket Snake (Coelognathus flavolineatus)
cowyeow: San Bernardino Ring-necked Snake (Diadophis punctatus modestus)
juanita nicholson: White throated kingfisher
juliam23: Scabiosa stella 'Sternkugel' Seedhead
Mel Diotte: Tiny jumping spider...View at full screen to see who is checking out who?
Ronny The Rooster: Umm Umm Grubs are so Tasty!
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Long-horned Orb-weaver Spider (Macracantha arcuata, Araneidae)
nikomelos: Spring Peeper
Bruno Conjeaud: Red-eyed Leaf-Frogs (or Gaudy Leaf-Frogs)
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Upper Amazon treefrog, Dendropsophus bifurcus
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Upper Amazon treefrog, Dendropsophus bifurcus
danniepolley: Green Sea Turtle, Apo Island, Philippines
Mel Diotte: Eastern screech owl wild the master of camouflage .
Jim Cumming: Mama fox cleaning kits ears
Stephen Mudge: Cyathus striatus
Ettore Guarnaroli: Avocetta - Recurvirostra avosetta
rvk82: Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary, India