lindaverhoog: red breasted merganser (f)
lindaverhoog: red breasted merganser (f)
lindaverhoog: bald eagle
lindaverhoog: lawrence warbler
lindaverhoog: northern parula
lindaverhoog: burrowing owl
lindaverhoog: sleepy orange
lindaverhoog: pyrrhuloxia
lindaverhoog: blue headed vireo
lindaverhoog: American avocet
lindaverhoog: northern shoveler (m)
lindaverhoog: northern harrier (m)
lindaverhoog: snowy owl not willing to share
lindaverhoog: snowy owl
lindaverhoog: upland sandpiper
lindaverhoog: all puffed up..... wilson's snipe
lindaverhoog: wilson's snipe with something to say
lindaverhoog: wilson's snipe
lindaverhoog: viceroy cat
lindaverhoog: viceroy cat
lindaverhoog: whiteface
lindaverhoog: sedge sprite
lindaverhoog: mulberry wing
lindaverhoog: dun skipper ?
lindaverhoog: snowy owl
lindaverhoog: orange fronted parakeet
lindaverhoog: orange fronted parakeet
lindaverhoog: black-bellied whistling duck