ee2e: IMAG0550_1
ee2e: I am back
SFPressPhotos/DavidToshiyuki: Haight Ashbury 2010 Street Fair 152
dougyau: DY163728
dougyau: P1090060
dougyau: P1090100
dougyau: P1090102
dougyau: DY174120
dougyau: DY174119
dougyau: DY174133
위주(★ ̄∀ ̄★): 坐著吃不爽快 大家輪流站~瑪姬站瑪姬站 瑪姬站完~
위주(★ ̄∀ ̄★): 福:高衩窄裙+玻璃絲襪+尖頭高跟鞋=業務量第一的老姑婆主管
Clive (a.k.a. - Ah B): B_is_here_too.jpg
bryanh: Air Koryo flight 152
weichuchou: DSC00219
*dans: sun down, Taipei on 924, pm 17:43
【K】: 當歸鴨肉麵線
Manzari: Shea Stadium
tienmao: IMG_3432.jpg
*Kit*: Departures
ee2e: Adrain Clive and Henry
ee2e: annie's wedding with bro and Clive
ee2e: Brother smoking so 有型!