bryanh: Looking back helps you move forward. Happy 2019! May it be prosperous and peaceful for all! #2018bestnine
bryanh: My happy place.
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bryanh: I could happily become a citizen of this city.
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bryanh: Won the weather lottery this past week in Oregon. Gorgeous coast views of course, but the golden fall colours were also spectacular. #latergram
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bryanh: The Oregon Coast is one of those places that I never tire of visiting. I feel lucky that I have so many opportunities to visit. #latergram
bryanh: Such a weird and wonderful gem. Jaw dropping views high above the Columbia.
bryanh: The mighty Columbia.
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bryanh: Peaches.
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bryanh: As far as front yards go, not too shabby.
bryanh: On the way to Texas!
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