ee2e: IMAG0550_1
ee2e: 紗窗好棒
ee2e: 肉!!!!
ee2e: The power of moon
ee2e: I am back
ee2e: 老pu
ee2e: on my way home
ee2e: 比較想要坐這班
ee2e: junk food for Jose
ee2e: my airplane
ee2e: very good
ee2e: 想坐但最後膽小而放棄
ee2e: sourdough clam chowder
ee2e: yea...
ee2e: 夢幻啊
ee2e: 可愛啊
ee2e: the very last time for this place
ee2e: big-O-fish & chips
ee2e: good song!!!!
ee2e: good with fish and chips
ee2e: santa monica's blue sky with little moon and a lonely coconut tree
ee2e: welcome to the hotel california
ee2e: 一度我有點擔心她
ee2e: santa monica
ee2e: i wanna live in one of those cute apartment
ee2e: USA+Ca
ee2e: 小心行人
ee2e: juicy in and out burger
ee2e: big big meal!!!!
ee2e: meat!!!!