patrickkavanagh: Crested Tern (Thalasseus bergii)
christianeleouet1: Purple dream.....
billoddie3: Gannet, Morus Bassanus
Natur-Makros Rene Warger: Helm-Knabenkraut (Orchis militaris)
g.cordel: Saltique Philaeus chrysops
Natur-Makros Rene Warger: Hummel-Ragwurz (Ophrys holoserica)
Totem Art Photo: Azuré en milieu de couleurs...
Daniel Trim: Red Grouse in Heather
Ralph Earlandson: Congregating Penguins
g.femenias: Soft Tones of Nature
J-F No: Chlorophytum flower
LawrenceNeo: Coconut Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) @ 24 Ghim Moh Link, Singapore_20240407_DSC1905
LawrenceNeo: Coconut Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) @ 24 Ghim Moh Link, Singapore_20240409_DSC8278
Bruno Conjeaud: Blackish Oystercatcher - Huîtrier noir
onnowildschut: Hawfinch; Coccothraustes coccothraustes
Bernd Nelles: Klebriger Hörnling (Calocera viscosa)
BP Chua: Straited Heron
Possums' End: Early morning aurora
Pillar1984: Flying swallow
g.femenias: The Kiss
Anirban Sinha 80: The Composition....
g.cordel: Diane
Joan Coma: Ophrys dyris
pstenzel71: Tulips in Spring Sun
kkr_images: Palm Cockatoo male calls from his display perch
jan-loup: Super Moon
jan-loup: L'étourneau qui domptait les flots / Sturnus vulgaris / Common Starling who tamed the waves
jan-loup: Martin pêcheur / Alcedo atthis / Common Kingfisher
jan-loup: Faucon Kobez / Falco vespertinus / Red-footed Falcon