Joits: samoan fire-knife dance at paradise cove luau
Lisa Brewster: My engagement ring is ridiculously too big, so @backlon sized it for me.
GenaroJam de Ramos: sunset sailing
pinkestblack: Reader Team tradition: scotch during a push!
Lisa Brewster: Lunch on the roof.
Kris Kros: meet the flickrs
Mormegil: 1534 Flickr Meet xl
Joits: darth valet
powerpig: Hello
Lisa Brewster: This just happened.
evaxebra: Day 2161
Scott Beale: Apple IIe Running The Matrix
*April*: Corresponding shapes like puzzles pieces from the clay...
Lisa Brewster: It's on, bitches! Battletag Adora#1584
Joits: sailing stones at racetrack playa
adurdin: How to use the Home Button
kurafire: Apple under Steve Jobs (2nd term)
Joits: rubys on the pier
Joits: huntington beach pier
eon60: montbretia
nathanielperales: I Just Want To Thank You For Everything
daniel_bryant: Phoenix Dust Storm
Joits: arnold and myself in a bouncy castle
airencracken: I met Notch
Joits: e3 booth babe
Blissful_Bee: Run. Stop. Shoot - shopping cart
roland: ds106 discoordinators - 051420117133