m-louis: 大岡寺 - 末松大明神
m-louis: 大岡寺
m-louis: 大岡寺 - 賓頭慮尊者
m-louis: 大岡寺
ershen1: O1 Quanzhou_Kaiyuan Temple - Mahavira Hall in the rain 泉州开元寺大雄宝殿在春雨中
enovember: A tiny temple
Steve Chasey Photography: K3 III-310323-034
Steve Chasey Photography: K3 II-310323-088
ershen1: N106 Angkor map
robjvale: Defender of the temple (110/366)
ricko: A Rare Photo of Marilyn Monroe and Justin Bieber Posing in Front of the Temple of Chu Chang Chingo
ruthlesscrab: Universal Buddhist Temple
Jake Stockwell: Rub-A-Dub
etage3: Ruins of Haisterbach Monastery
m-louis: 大岡寺
m-louis: 大岡寺
m-louis: 大岡寺
Steve Chasey Photography: K3 III-310323-033
Steve Chasey Photography: K3 III-310323-032
Studio d'Xavier: Woman Asleep in the New Orleans Temple of Evangelitical Promise
ershen1: N21a Angkor Wat_Bat hunting by Michael Freeman
amy's antics: Two abbeys, two churches and a temple
♔ Georgie R: Hindu Temple 110/366 (10/3397)
Mount Fuji Man: Temple diversity
gaymay: 1977 In The Navy014
gaymay: 1977 In The Navy051
gaymay: 1977 In The Navy049
gaymay: 1977 In The Navy031
bayernphoto: Jerusalem Synagoge
gaymay: 1977 In The Navy064