etage3: Ray of Light
etage3: Beech Forest along the Creek
etage3: Sunrays over Godesburger
etage3: Mausoleum auf dem Burgfriedhof
etage3: Quelle des Annaberger Baches
etage3: Burg Godesburg
etage3: Shadow Play on Michaelskapelle
etage3: Night Photo Bonn Gronau Park
etage3: Ents
etage3: Fog in Rural Landscape
etage3: A Bunch of Brushes
etage3: The Spinner
etage3: Chitoseyama - Japanese Maple
etage3: Chitoseyama - Japanese Maple
etage3: Mournsome Hats
etage3: A Couple of Mycena
etage3: In the Hiding
etage3: Cross-country for a Beatle
etage3: Coprinus
etage3: Natural Pattern from the Forest Floor
etage3: Beringter Schleimrübling
etage3: Armillaria
etage3: Double-exposed Forest
etage3: Pastures near Kottenforst Forest
etage3: St. Peter
etage3: Burg Lede II
etage3: Burg Lede
etage3: Opening in the Forest
etage3: the Rhine Valley view from the Rodderbeg Volcano
etage3: Löwenburg