shin ikegami: 2020.8.16 - archives
Rich Sena: the maelstrom.
williespictures: 2024-4-21-SBahn
etaonr: bridge 2nd view
etaonr: bridge 1st view bw
shin ikegami: 2021.11.7 - archives
shin ikegami: 2021.11.13 - archives
kirstiecat: Liberation
Jon Mangaba: praia cristales crianças
fam_nordstrom: Shadow on the wall, Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain
unknown quantity: Trego County, Kansas (explore)
Rich Sena: ..hurrying!
kris__q: Lines
georgegui: Williamsburg Walk
s2bw: Under the Bridge
williespictures: 2024-4-21-Halle
williespictures: 2024-4-21-Halle a-sw
Alex Shapovalov: L24_9197
Black and White Fine Art: Fotografía Estenopeica (Pinhole Photography)
vedebe: Moment de calme...
Barragon: Porto - Estação de São Bento
shin ikegami: 2021.1.20 - archives
BS-Foto: SAM_0904
kris__q: Yellow facade
Armin Fuchs: shadow play
allanparke: 3473 - hanging shadows
fam_nordstrom: Shadow on the wall, Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain
jHc__johart: Industry Shadows