sit-n-stare: Mama Woodcock
sit-n-stare: Mama Woodcock 2
JusDaFax: Misty Morning on the Bayou
Loïc-G: Jeune chouette
AI Artist: PrettyLittleAngelEyes
philippeguillot21: Arbre couché
kevinwg: Night Heron
Marc ALMECIJA: Cardiospermum grandiflorum
TheyLookLikeUs: Nestor meridionalis (South Island Kākā)
Arddu: Rafflesia arnoldii
Arddu: Yen & Rafflesia
Matt Hahnewald: 2015-11f Akha (13)
Eric Lafforgue: Akha teeth after years of betel Laos
Thanks for 5 million views: Yellow Wattlebird (Anthochaera paradoxa), Mt Field NP, Tasmania
The Owl Man: Right at Eye Level (Great Horned Owl)
Rayladur: Paruline à couronne rousse - Palm Warbler
photonat3873017107: Sitochroa verticalis, Botys vertical@Monique Médard
Pierre Casavant: Bernache cravant, Brant. DSC_3380-1.jpg
francois031: Un diable en hiver.
Carlos Alberto Arias A.: Merganetta armata. ♂
Crazy Mushroom: Tricholoma vaccinum
westmacott58d: Peregrine falcon waterfall
Michel G-A: Pyrrhogyra neaerea
fresco photos: Huppe fasciée
arno-foto: Avaler une couleuvre
michafink: Redstart (June ´21)
aiglonne: Pinson du Nord - Fringilla montifringilla - Brambling