annette.allor: Kakashi Is Gone (2004 - 2024) R.I.P.
annette.allor: Red-tailed Hawk
annette.allor: Rare Leucistic Northern Cardinal - Female
annette.allor: Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes
annette.allor: Bald Eagle
annette.allor: Tail Rest
annette.allor: Hermit Thrush
annette.allor: Marbled Orbweaver
annette.allor: Good Eats
annette.allor: Gray Hairstreak - Strymon melinus
annette.allor: Red-Banded Hairstreak (Calycopis cecrops)
annette.allor: Clouded Skipper - Lerema accius
annette.allor: Kakashi in the Leaves
annette.allor: I'm Batman
annette.allor: Purple Finch - Male
annette.allor: Yellow-rumped Warbler in the Maple Tree
annette.allor: Woodpecker Comparison - Downy Woodpecker and Hairy Woodpecker
annette.allor: Slim Pickings - Ocola Skipper
annette.allor: Common Checkered Skipper
annette.allor: Eastern Bluebird
annette.allor: Red-shouldered Hawk
annette.allor: Chipping Sparrow
annette.allor: Font Hill Wetland Park
annette.allor: Green Heron
annette.allor: Black Swallowtail Caterpillar
annette.allor: Painted Lady
annette.allor: Palm Warbler
annette.allor: Yellow-rumped Warbler
annette.allor: Ocola Skipper - Panoquina ocola