claudiadea131: Those we love and have lost are no longer where they were, but are wherever we are.
John Andersen (JPAndersen images): Andromeda pano 0-1123 Panorama-1
steff808: Jumping someone else's train B&W version
steff808: De Sluyswacht
steff808: Quiet summer
Ken Barley: Felbrigg Hall, Norfolk Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France) - 2015
claudiadea131: splashes of water from the Bellano Como ravine
Eric Gofreed: I come in peace
steff808: Cloudy end of day
silvia.alessi: Afghanistan, wakhan corridor
silvia.alessi: Afghan man
silvia.alessi: Wakhi man, Afghanistan, hindukush rage
Maxinux40k: Orange & Blue Sunset
rosenblume75: Klein aber oho.
susie2778: It's all the rage!
susie2778: Large bee-fly
Gi.Sartori: Ailanto
claudiadea131: the light of hope for better days
Igor Danilov Philadelphia.: Deep in a Dream.
mitsushiro-nakagawa: Sun. ship. people.
antoinebouyer: Araignée
christian mu: the day the earth stood still