satch88: young red-shouldered hawk
jenmac2: DSC_7176
jenmac2: DSC_6957-Edit
jenmac2: DSC_7359-Edit
rburton2235: Pileated Woodpecker
Kimages2c: Great Horned Owl Babies
gilgit2: Fire-fronted Serin (Serinus pusillus)
sherrihendricks98: The Last Big Fish In The Puddle
gilgit2: Himalayan White-browed Rosefinch (Carpodacus thura)
Sharon Cunio: A little something for the nest.
Sharon Cunio: Moving on.
jenmac2: DSC_7576-Edit
jenmac2: DSC_9464-Edit
sherrihendricks98: Poor Mickey
Bonronski Photo: Queenfisher
Tonino A: Un crépuscule s'en va. Explore! ⭐ April 4, 2023
Lakes4life: Waxwings Mar 2023
michele carbone: Art of Landscape (30)
sherrihendricks98: An Inquiring Look
rburton2235: Red Tailed Hawk
scarlett3846: DSC02908 - CHOUETTES HARFANG FEMELLES (In Explore)
scarlett3846: DSC00703 - MILAN NOIR
Deborah Freeman: Hard to tell from the blue sky that a storm is quickly approaching. The eagles become active, and competition for food is always going on with the immatures.
Anthony White: The Watermill
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Boneyard Beach
jenmac2: DSC_6098-Edit-2
Bill Friggle: 03102022-101-Edit-Edit-13
satch88: Hooded merganser female with fish
evakongshavn: Breathing frost mist Explore 😊
gilgit2: Rufous-naped Tit (Periparus rufonuchalis)