Deborah Freeman: Northern Shoveler resting.
Deborah Freeman: Not the best image but she flipped and dove down into the field for her catch
Deborah Freeman: She took one look at the field and....
Deborah Freeman: The Northern harrier hen showed up across the farm field just as we had hoped.
Deborah Freeman: This shows the terrain they love to hunt in. The estuary stretches for miles and the voles/mice love to hide in it.
Deborah Freeman: a surprise that spooked me, sure didn't expect him to turn into me.
Deborah Freeman: He came right towards me so quickly. Pure luck to have caught him.
Deborah Freeman: once in awhile back-lite can work in your favour. SEO
Deborah Freeman: conflict on their home grounds, two short-eared owls in a territorial dispute.
Deborah Freeman: Short-eared owl
Deborah Freeman: Yearling Sandhill Crane with nititating eye, there was actual sunshine yesterday
Deborah Freeman: Layered effect of adult with yourling looking on( Sandhill Cranes)
Deborah Freeman: Parent and yearling , wonderful to see them together.
Deborah Freeman: One of this hard to watch moments but a privilege at the same time. A mink raided a good nest
Deborah Freeman: Ruby-crowned kinglet
Deborah Freeman: last of the kingfisher series.
Deborah Freeman: kingfisher different wing position.
Deborah Freeman: Red-winged black bird
Deborah Freeman: yes, spring is coming...just ask this red-winged blackbird.
Deborah Freeman: These plump little black turnstones are so brave. On these bleak rainy days they face all kinds of weather and forage along the shoreline as the waves come in they scurry out of the way. Hunger is a powerful motivator
Deborah Freeman: two days later same leucistic song sparrow.
Deborah Freeman: Leucistic song sparrow.
Deborah Freeman: Male kingfisher,
Deborah Freeman: Male kingfisher , different location, different day.
Deborah Freeman: She's flying off to make another catch
Deborah Freeman: Kingfisher (female)
Deborah Freeman: Red breasted merganser heading out to find his mate.
Deborah Freeman: Harlequins flying by on a very damp, dull day.
Deborah Freeman: Inquisitive, checking out someone as they approach the edge of the beach